Spain's Higher Education Facts

Posted on 08 Apr 2014 Views ( 2137 )

In Spain Higher education is provided by both public and private institutions. Universities are divided into institutos universitarios, escuelas universitarias, escuelas tecnicas superiores, facultades universitarias, departamentos, and other centres, notably the colegios universitarios.

The institutions offer official master programmes and non official master programmes. Official master programmes are recognized and accredited by the Spanish government. Also these Master degrees allow the students for a PHD afterward. On the other hand, the non official masters are not recognized and accredited by the government. Non official masters are provided by the so-called foundations.

The Consejo de Universidades sets up guidelines for the creation of Institutes, centers, and Universities. It can also propose measures concerning standards governing the creation of University departments, the defining of qualifications to be recognized officially throughout the country.

The Ley de Reforma Universitaria (LRU) renewed its existing plans of study.

Two different types of studies: Single Cycle, which are directly professional and will run for three years and three cycles which are professionally valid; the doctorate and the B.A.’s.

In addition to the doctorate, in many faculties, such as medicine, there are areas for specialization and at present, there are many types of master's degrees for graduates in law and economics.

The primary unit which discusses plans of study includes necessary subjects grouped in courses that the students will have to follow one after the other. The courses taken may be electives or mainstream courses.

Entrance Requirements 

Admission to University Colleges and advanced technical schools is based on the Prueba de Aptitud para a la Universidad (national university entrance exam), which will be held in June every year. Because of the huge demand for higher education in Spain and the limited number of places, students with low score may not be admitted to the school of their choice, or even gain university entrance at all.

Master's Degrees in Business

Currently several universities and business schools, such as the Escuela Superior de Administracion y Direccion de Empresas (ESADE), offering master's programs in business administration. There are some business degrees and several English-language and bilingual programs offered jointly with the traditional licenciado. Although few of these programs are not formally recognized by the Ministry of Education, many enjoy solid international reputations.

Higher education in Spain has its origins in the middle Ages.

However, Spanish Universities have recently undergone through important changes that have led to a decentralized and self-governing system. Adding to this, the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) is forcing Spanish universities to unite into a common system compatible with all European Universities.

The educational policy is controlled by the Ministry of Education together with the departments of higher education in the universities. Within this framework, the Consejo de Universidades draw the requirements to create new Institutes, centers, and universities. In addition, it helps modifiable advanced graduate studies.

Spain’s higher education system has private and public universities under his hood. Universities are organized in Schools (Facultades), and within each School there are different Departments, which specialize in a specific part of the corresponding science.

Now, Spanish University System comprises 4 Catholic Church Universities, 14 private Universities, and 49 public Universities.

Regarding its content, the Spanish university system displays a balancing act between pure sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics etc ;) and scientific disciplines included in the humanities (Philosophy, Literature, Economics, and Mathematics etc ;) and social sciences. In disciplines like Law, Medicine, or Architecture an ample balance between theory and practice will be carefully maintained.

Nowadays, it is becoming very common to see Universities that offer a higher university degree which interlaces academic contents from several scientific disciplines (Language and Marketing, Business and Tourism, Economics and Law etc).

This facilitates many professionals to come with a very high level of training, who are highly preferred by national and international Organizations.

CELE (Certificate of Quality in the Teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language) is one of the main tools to measure the quality of institutes determined to the teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language. This certification guarantees the academic excellence standards of those study centers that have obtained it.

The University of Alcala de Henares awards the certification.

CEELE certification quantitatively evaluates areas such as the infrastructure, the quality of the teaching, programs designed by the institutes etc; likewise, the inspection committee issues suggestions and recommendations through academic reports.

CEELE assures the compliance with a series of internationally recognized criteria. It also assures quality control.

The Spanish university system dates back to the middle Ages.

The University of Salamanca is the oldest University of Spain, which was established in 1218. The present system is actually descendant of the 19th century liberal university, inspired by the centralized French model. In the last years, it has experienced its greatest growth in history, while at the same time advancing towards a self-governing and decentralized system.